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Mr. Fence Tools

"EZ Drip" De-Icer System & Glycol for "The Bull"

"EZ Drip" De-Icer System & Glycol for "The Bull"

Regular price $1,029.00
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"EZ Drip"

This is a De-Icer Kit to operate "The Bull" in low and below freezing temperatures.

Compressed air in low temps can cause a pneumatic unit to freeze up causing potential operational issues. These systems run glycol mixture through the air feed into the unit and will keep "The Bull" running as needed. EZ Drip dispenser also has an Exterior Fluid Level Gauge.

Offered in 2 location setups:

"In-Line EZ Drip" & "Mounted EZ Drip"

"Mounted EZ Drip" and "In-Line EZ Drip" housings available for purchase individually as well.

-Compressor "Mounted" EZ Drip System includes Dispenser with 1/2" Fittings, "Mounted" Housing, Tie-downs, and Hose to go from compressor to dispenser. The "Mounted Housing" Bracket mounts to compressor engine plate on the handle side using existing bolts and nuts on plate. Remove nuts and washers on handle side of compressor engine plate, install housing over the 2 bolts and tighten down with existing washers and nuts. Use tie downs to hold the dispenser in place. See picture for reference. Note: Mounted Housing is specifically made for the Puma Air Compressor Unit made to operate "The Bull".

-Compressor "Mounted" Housing Kit includes, "Mounted" Housing, Tie-downs and Hose to go from compressor to dispenser. Bracket mounts to compressor plate using existing bolts and nuts on plate. Remove nuts and washers on handle side of compressor engine plate, install housing over the 2 bolts and tighten down with existing washers and nuts. Use tie downs to hold the dispenser in place. See picture for reference. Note: Mounted Housing is specifically made for the Puma Air Compressor Unit made to operate "The Bull"

-"In-Line" EZ Drip System includes Dispenser with 1/2" Fittings, "In-Line" Housing, and Tie-downs.  Use tie downs to hold the dispenser in place. See picture for reference.

-"In-Line" Housing Kit includes "In-Line" Housing, and Tie-downs. Use tie downs to hold the dispenser in place. See picture for reference. "In-Line" EZ-Drip can be placed at any 1/2" connection point of hoses being used for convenience.

*Glycol Fluid by the Case of 4-1 Gallon Jugs and must ship UPS Ground under HAZ MAT regulations*


Limited Lifetime Warranty


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Country of Origin

Made in the USA

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